Eyal, a behaviourist at the service of your dog

When you wish to entrust your dog to a professional, you first ask yourself whether he or she has the necessary skills to answer your questions as well as your wishes in terms of changing your dog’s behaviour. In either case, Eyal, will be the ideal partner for both, you and your dog.

12 years of experience and passion for canine behaviourism

Originally from Tel Aviv, the city with one of the largest concentrations of domestic dogs in the world, Eyal began his work as a dog behaviourist more than 12 years ago. Eyal started the dog-walking trend in Tel Aviv, which counts roughly 183 dogs per 1000 inhabitants. He quickly found many people who wanted to rely on a dog-walker on a daily base.
Result: it was not uncommon for the inhabitants of Tel-Aviv to marvel at Eyal walking/biking/running with fourteen dogs (and sometimes even more) on a leash around him.

Dogs with different characters

This activity naturally led to another: dog behaviourism. Indeed, Eyal had to manage dogs with very different and sometimes even difficult characters. He worked on analysing and understanding their behaviour in order to channel it and with as goal to socialize all the dogs for which he was responsible. Here again, his strength of character, his empathy and competence made it possible to create a united pack, but also made the owners of each dog more peaceful regarding their pet’s behaviour. The dogs of the pack were more serene at home thanks to the daily exercise. Furthermore, their relationships with other dogs encountered during their walks and in the dog parks improved considerably.

A calm but assertive dog behaviourist

The first thing that will strike you during your first meeting with Eyal is the calmness with which he gets acquainted with the dog and his owners. By this, he means to have a positive but assertive attitude and he is immediately positioning himself vis-à-vis the dog as a reference to be listened to, respected and obeyed. Concerning the owners, he will always take care to place them as leaders of the pack and remind them what this implies in terms of behaviour. Here again, benevolence, listening and understanding are on the agenda.

Three axes to reach qualitative dog behaviorism

Eyal draws some of his inspiration from the work of César Milan, a famous dog behaviorist. Like him, he intends to meet the three fundamental needs of the dog (in terms of behavior of course): exercise, discipline and affection. The order of these basic needs is essential here and Eyal will be able to explain very quickly how the fulfilment of one need will satisfy the others.

Stimulation to support socialization

Eyal considers that dogs, and therefore your dog, are sociable animals that need to integrate among humans and other dogs. To achieve this goal, pack walks are an optimal solution to meet many of the dog’s needs. In fact, in order to have a successful pack-walk, the behaviorist ensures that the physical exercise is sufficient, that there is order within the pack but also that the dogs get enough attention and affection.
During the different sessions organized with Eyal, whether it is a walk or behavioral training in your home, Eyal will stimulate your dog physically and mentally. The benefits of these stimulations are to obtain a happier, healthier and more balanced dog.

A dog behaviourist who loves dogs

It may seem obvious that a dog behaviorist loves dogs. But, here as well, distinctions can be made. Eyal will love to take care of your dog and will appreciate the animal as an individual. He also takes care to learn about all the existing breeds, about their behavioural specificities and how to approach them in the right manner.
By speaking their language, he creates trust between him and the animal, which usually leads to a noticeable improvement in the dog’s behavior.
Eyal’s dedication and professionalism are without limits. They will serve throughout the process with your dog and will allow you to look forward to convincing results in the short, medium and long term.

They used to call him “the dog whisperer”… And this is the truth. Magical contact, fabulous comprehension, serenity.. Words are not sufficient.
Cecile Vandenbroeck
Eyal has been helping me to train one of my dogs. He is a true natural with dogs & he has peeled back many layers to uncover my dog’s issues, teaching me patiently how to train her myself. He contacts me for updates in between sessions, which truly shows how dedicated he is. It’s only been a few weeks but thanks to him I’m already seeing improvements with my dog’s behaviour 🤩 Can’t recommend him enough!
Martine Pellegrini Petit

Eyal is probably the best dog walker in the world. The love for dogs is in his blood.

Most of the time it seems like he actually speaks “dog” 😉 Eyal helped us prepare our dog, Polly, when our son was born. He even agreed to come to a holiday dinner at my wife’ parents house to help the grandchildren not to be afraid of dogs.

Highly recommend him. We will sure take him again whenever he gets back here.

Amir Frankel

Professionnel, gentil… les chiens sont au top et les maîtres sont enchantés 👍👍On ne peut plus s’en passer 🐶. Nous vous le recommandons les yeux fermés. Martine et Ralph❤️❤️❤️

Martine Herman
The best! Can’t say enough good words about Eyal, who was Chica’s dog walker for 6 years! Yes, 6 years, that says it all. Responsible, professional, communicative and most important – Chica had a blast, and she is one energetic dog! Thanks for everything!
Roy Dagan
Eyal was/is the 1st dog whisperer in Tel Aviv. He is also the best, his nature with everyone & especially his dogs is beyond special. He takes details & professionalism, seriously. Really, a real loss for TLV but what a great present to the dogs of Belgium
Mys Frank

Super professionnel, nous sommes enchantés de ce service et notre chien adore , ce qui est encore mieux 😂

Chantal De Kalo
Eyal is the best person you can imagine to leave your beloved dog with. He is reliable, professional and truly understand dogs. He will love and care for your dog as if they were his. My 3 “girls” are just crazy about him. A very big loss for us and great win for the dogs in Brussels.

Wishing you good luck🐕‍

Gal Hugo

J’aimerais partager mon expérience, mon dobermann Zeus de 1 an et demi m’en a fais voir de toute les couleurs jusqu’a ce que ca devienne invivable! Mon rêve était de pouvoir aller faire du vélo avec lui et des heures de promenades. Apres avoir pris des cours de dressage et avoir travaillé avec 3 comportementaliste cela n’a rien donné, je fesais des promenades de 10min seulement et ca ce passais très mal, tirer comme un fou, sauter, aboyer,… sans oublier qu’à la maison il étais très nerveux et arrêtait pas de sauter partout.. Jusqu’à ce que je rencontre Eyal! Il a tout d’abord appris a connaître Zeus et a gagner ca confiance, pour voir quel était les problèmes et quel serais la meilleure manière de travailler avec lui. Pour qu’ensuite je puisse moi-même l’entraîner. Ca a demandé beaucoup de travail mais quand on s’investit pour obtenir ce qu’on veut tout est possible. Maintenant je sais aller faire du vélo moi-même avec lui et partir des heures en balade. Sans Eyal tout cela n’aurait pas été possible! N’oublions pas les dog walk aussi, Zeus adore partir en balade avec Eyal et est toujours content de le voir. Ce qui prouve bien qu’Eyal a un contacte incroyable avec les chiens et avec les maîtres aussi. Je vois déjà énormément d’améliorations mais il reste encore pas mal de choses a accomplir 💪. Thank You Eyal! 🙏

Noemie Van Cauwenberghe
Eyal is so much more than a dog walker – he is our guru with anything related to dog behavior. Our 2 dogs have spent the best time of their lives with him, and we continue to consult with him even after moving abroad. He is doing this willingly and out of a real passion to help dogs and their owners. Eyal is super responsible and responsive: we received daily updates (that included beautifully taken pictures) and were assured time and time again that our 2 pups were in the most capable hands possible.
Noa Shouv

Eyal is knowledgable, reliable with absolutely amazing contact with dogs and people ! Would recommend with all my heart.

Tania Libkind

Truly the best dog whisperer you would meet in your life time. Highly recomanded to all purposes! Thank you Ejal!

Lior Kirschner

Would you like to meet Eyal and work out together with him how to improve your dog’s behaviour?
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